I love apps! I love using the iPad and iPhone with my clients who don’t engage easily with other tasks. Children on the autism spectrum seem to engage very readily with iPads. This means that I’m always on the look out for great apps that will benefit these kids.

autism app wheel

Click image to enlarge.

(Autism App Wheel Developed by Mark Coppin 2012.)

I recently posted a photo on Facebook of this nicely organised wheel of apps that are useful for autism. It is neatly divided into areas of Communication, Social Skills, Need for Sameness or Routine, Sensory Sensitivity, Difficulty with Traditional Learning Methods and Behaviour. This is a really useful tool for parents of kids on the autism spectrum and for people working with kids on the spectrum. I have used a number of the apps listed here and they are excellent! (Note: I post an ‘app of the week’ each week on Facebook – check out the Liberty Speech Pathology Facebook page if you’re interested in using apps with kids to develop communication and language skills.)

The Facebook photo I posted was compressed, so a few people commented that it was a bit hard to read. I’ve put it here so that it will hopefully be easier for people to read. Fingers crossed!

This picture has been cropped to make it easier to read. The original source is here: http://www.autismspeaks.org/sites/default/files/pedagogy_wheel.pdf

I hope you find it useful! 🙂