| Is stuttering (repeating sounds or words or prolonging sounds) |
| Is not easily understood by unfamiliar listeners |
| Is having difficulty with any sound except for ‘th’ |
| Cannot explain how an object can be used |
| Cannot answer ‘when’ and ‘why’ questions |
| Is not using language to talk about past and future events |
| Cannot participate in detailed conversations |
| Is reluctant to answer questions in the classroom |
| Has trouble thinking of the word he or she wants to say |
| Gets frustrated because he or she is having trouble understanding something or communicating something |
| Is not able to make comparisons (eg “How are apple and orange similar? How are they different?”) |
| Frequently avoids talking |
| Is having difficulty learning to read |
| Finds it difficult to rhyme words |
| Finds it difficult to find words that ‘start with the same sound’, or words that start with a specified sound
(eg ‘show me all the words that start with the ‘p’ sound) |
| Is not engaging in appropriate social interactions with other kids |