

The Power of Books – Reading to Your Child from Birth

By Rosalie Zerna, B.Speech Pathology  “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”, “Who Sank the Boat”, “Spot”, “Just Shopping with Mum”, “Possum Magic”….are just a few of the favourite books from my childhood! I have many fond memories of books that were read to me by my parents and grandparents growing up. As well as being a fun [...]

School Readiness: Fifteen Skills to Help Your Child

My son starts school next week. My first born child is about to become a school boy. I managed to forego the tissues at school transition last year, but it lead me to think about the big changes he is going to face this year. As I’ve been beginning this school journey, I’ve chatted with [...]

5 Ways to Distract Your Child… and Build Language!

Is it just me who finds myself frequently in need of finding a way to distract a toddler or pre-schooler? I’m sure I’m not alone in this. You know those times, right? For me it looks like: Both kiddies getting worked up about something in the car. My toddler is in the trolley at the [...]

Help! My 2 year old’s speech is delayed.

The following is a Question and Answer from the 'Ask and Expert' section of the 'Go Ask Mum' website, answered by Liberty Gates from Liberty Speech Pathology. Q: Hi, I have a 27 month old son who is behind in speech development. He can say about 30 words but does not use them all consistently. [...]

The Dummy Spit

Back in my days as a new grad speech pathologist, I formed this idea that dummies were a terrible, ghastly device that would cause all sorts of issues in a baby’s development. When I was pregnant with my first baby, my feet were planted firmly in the anti-dummy camp as I proudly ticked the box [...]